This INDOOR CO-ED program is aimed at providing opportunities for boys and girls in grades 3-6 (ages 8-11) to learn the game of volleyball and play in a fun environment.
The program will utilize skills and drills with modified game play, ensuring that each athlete gets the highest number of volleyball touches possible.
Each week, athletes will learn and be challenged to develop their individual skills, while working cooperatively with teammates. Sessions will be tailored to the age group with appropriate drills and competitions.
Winter sessions begin Jan 12th 2025 and run through to Mar 9th (no sessions on Feb 16th) from 3-4pm on Sundays.
Cost for the program is $225 and covers club fees, insurance and training sessions with qualified coaches. All participants are required to have a current Volleyball BC recreation player registration. This is an annual fee (once per year) and must be done on the VBC site. A link will be provided to participants. Participants will be limited to 24-30 athletes. Waivers will be required to be signed by a parent.
There are no tryouts for this program. Register early and bring a friend! Space is limited.